(this picture unabashedly stolen off flickr)
i went to all points damp on friday, and of course i saw vampire weekend, and they played a new song, and it is awesome, but you expected that, right? let me reiterate to you that these boys know what they are doing and they CAN BRING IT REGARDLESS OF INCLEMENT WEATHER. at the end of their set ezra said "at first we thought we were going to die. but now we're just having so much fun." which sums up most of my vampire weekend concert experiences!
EDIT: found a new video, better quality / full length!!
(NEW SONG) --- VAMPIRE WEEKEND via youtube.
my brother thinks this might be his favorite VW song to date. i have to agree, i'm really impressed by it. i love the bass/keyboard and the guitar bit at the end. and of course i love that vocal thing (you'll know what i'm talking about when you hear it). give it a listen!
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