the other day i was talking with some friends and was shocked to realize that they had not watched the film and that they did not know what i was talking about when i began to explain the hilarious dance moves david byrne breaks out in ONCE IN A LIFETIME. if you have time you can probably youtube everything on stop making sense. this is a very important thing to do if you appreciate any music that is perceived as incorporating african rhythms, includes awesome synth, multiple key changes, and bass grooves, and/or possesses somewhat existential, meaningful, and "OH SHIT" lyrics ie. "when we get older, we stop making sense." it is a very important thing to do PERIOD but if you identify with anything i just listed you need to get on this IMMEDIATELY if you haven't already.
let's just talk about one song super briefly: this one's always been a favorite...
so, the lyrics of this song are a series of couplets that, in the couplets, make SOME sense, and, when you look at the song as a whole, mean absolutely nothing.
"all wet
and you might need a raincoat
thieves walking in broad daylight
three hundred sixty five degrees
burning down the house!"
i feel like this song is very important in terms of its positivity and overall level of awesome. there are not ONE but TWO insane synth solos, a very shoutable chorus, some sexy tribal drumming, etc etc etc etc. i think this is probably everything you would possibly want in a song.
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